Natural Haircare for Kids: Gentle Care for Little Ones

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As much as it’s loved and cherished by moms and dads, caring for a child’s hair can prompt a lot of stress and confusion – and for good reason. There is so much to consider in terms of what type of products and techniques to use to keep them safe and maintain a healthy head of hair. Now more than ever, natural haircare is becoming the preferred choice for youngsters, and it’s no wonder why! In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of gentle natural haircare for kids.

1. Gently Nurture Your Child’s Natural Hair

When it comes to nurturing and caring for natural hair, parents need to adopt a slow and steady approach. Taking things too quickly can be overwhelming, making it more difficult to manage the hair. Here are a few tips for gently nurturing those curls!

  • Start with a Gentle Cleanser – Start by looking for a cleanser to fit your child’s hair type. Don’t use adult shampoo and conditioner as they are too harsh for young, delicate curls. Instead, you can find natural, gentle cleansers that are designed for children.
  • Opt for Minimal Use of Heat – Allow air drying as much as possible instead of using heat styling tools. Such tools suck the moisture out of the hair, making it brittle and prone to more breakage.
  • Oil the Hair Regularly – Oiling the hair every couple of weeks is a must as it prevents it from drying out. Coconut oil is particularly good since it is packed with vitamins and fatty acids that nourish and strengthen the hair strands.
  • Be Gentle with the Detangling – Detangling can be a lot of work and requires patience so be sure to give it the time it needs. Start from the bottom and avoid excessive tugging. You should opt for a wide-toothed comb instead of a brush.

However, it’s important to remember that every child is different and his/her hair care routine should be tailored according to their individual needs, hair type, and styling preference. Listen to your child’s suggestions and find a style that works for both of you. Allowing them to have some creative control over their own hair will give them a better understanding of hair care.

2. Find Natural Hair Products That Work

Do your research to find the perfect natural hair product for you. There are so many out there – it can be daunting! However, it’s important to make sure you choose something that is of good quality and appropriate for your hair type.

Where to Start:

  • Read hair product reviews – this can be from magazines, blogs, vlogs, or your favorite influencers.
  • Look for recommendations from family and friends.
  • Try natural product sample sizes before committing to buying a full-size product.

Once you’ve made a few choices, it’s time to put them to the test. Start by using a small amount to gauge how it works on your hair. Pay attention to the length of time it takes to rinse out, and how it affects the appearance and feel of your hair.

Regularly monitor how your hair reacts to different natural products. If you notice excessive dryness, oiliness, or split ends, re-evaluate that product’s fit for your hair type. Following these steps helps ensure your hair looks and feels its best!

3. Brush, Cleanse, and Nourish for Healthy Hair Growth

The trio of techniques that will really get your hair growing healthily and looking lustrous are brushing, cleansing, and nourishing. All of these need to be performed with gentle, careful techniques. Use the following guide to ensure your locks remain long and lush for years to come.


  • Choose a soft bristle brush to de-tangle your hair without causing damage.
  • Start brushing from the tips of your hair and work upward, avoiding too much pulling.
  • Brush your hair at least once a day. After washing your hair is when you’ll need to detangle it, so it’s best to get the brushing done then.


  • Pick the right shampoo: Choose a shampoo specifically designed for your hair type. For dry hair try something more nourishing and for oily strands go for something more clarifying.
  • Cleanse with care: Don’t use hot water as it causes more drying. Don’t rub your scalp too hard. Massage the scalp deeply to remove dirt and dead skin cells.
  • Don’t overdry: Pat your hair dry with a soft towel afterwards. When used too roughly the towel can damage the hair cuticle.


It’s important to keep your hair and scalp nourished and moisturized for healthy hair growth. Coconut oil and castor oil are two of the best natural treatments that you can use on your hair. Use oil treatments to regularly deep condition your hair and scalp. A weekly mask with avocado, eggs, or mayonnaise can also work wonders for dry, brittle hair.

4. Identify Common Hair Care Measurements for Kids

Every family is unique, and so is their haircare routine. But it is generally accepted that taking proper care of your kids’ hair involves considering some general guidelines and practices. Here are four common haircare measurements for children:

  • Wash Their Hair Less Often: Washing your kids’ hair too frequently can strip away essential oils and protein needed to keep their hair healthy and bouncy. To avoid this, it’s best to spread out washes as much as possible. Curly-haired children should especially stick to every other week.
  • Use the Right Shampoo&Conditioner: Keep in mind that your kids’ hair is much more delicate than adult hair, often due to its fine texture. Look for an age-appropriate shampoo and conditioner that is free of harsh detergents and has fewer, gentler ingredients to make sure their hair is not over-cleansed.
  • Do Not Over-Stimulate The Scalp: It’s also important to be gentle when washing your kids’ hair. Avoid washing too quickly, harshly, or with hot water. Massaging and scrubbing the scalp too aggressively can lead to dryness and damaged hair.
  • Detangle Wisely: Tangles can be really tricky, particularly for kids with thick hair. Avoiding tangles should be the goal. Invest in a good brush with wide teeth, start from the ends and work your way up. Use your fingers and/or a wide tooth comb to break away knots as needed. Let the conditioner sit for at least two minutes before attempting detangling.

With these four haircare tips, kids can enjoy healthier, smoother, and better defined hair that not only looks good, but feels great too.

5. Guidelines for Safe and Effective Natural Hair Care

As naturalistas, our hair requires all the care, nurturing, and protection we can give it, so here are our top five :

  • Know your hair type and products:
    Identifying your hair type and texture will help you determine the best approach to taking care of your coils. Likewise, understanding what products work best for your hair can make all the difference. Experimenting with different natural hair products is the best way to figure out what works best for you.
  • Choose a protective hairstyle:
    Protective hairstyles like braids, buns, and twists can keep the hair safe from damage. Additionally, opt for styles that don’t put pressure on the scalp or pull your coils too tightly.
  • Moisturize regularly:
    Moisturizing is an absolute must as it keeps our curls hydrated, bouncy, and healthy. A water-based moisturizer and/or leave-in conditioner should be used every three days or so to replenish your hair and scalp and prevent breakage.
  • Be gentle with your hair:

    Make sure you’re using a wide-tooth comb to detangle your coils and avoid brushing your hair with a brush as this can cause severe damage. Also, start from the ends and work your way up the strands to prevent tugging and breakage.
  • Protect your hair overnight:

    To keep your curls from getting tangled and dried out overnight, use a satin or silk pillowcase or a bonnet. If that’s not an option, wrap your hair in a loose silk scarf before you sleep.

With these five guidelines, you can ensure your hair remains healthy throughout its natural hair journey. So what are you waiting for? Follow them and experience the joy of healthy, natural hair.

By introducing natural haircare techniques to your children, you’ve taken a step towards creating a healthier lifestyle for them from the start. Not only are these natural strategies easier on delicate strands, but they also provide an opportunity to teach your children the value of using natural ingredients to enhance their beauty and maintain their health. Taking the time to introduce natural haircare routines will be an investment in smart, sustainable beauty for your little ones.

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